Money Back Guarantee

LifeWorks Resources' product quality is guaranteed. Customer satisfaction is our goal. If, after purchasing one of our products, you determine it to be unsatisfactory, you can return it for replacement, credit or a full refund within 60 days.

Return Policy

If you are not completely satisfied, you may return the product (if it is one of our supplements return the unused portion or empty bottle) for a full refund, replacement, or credit. To return such or any damaged products, please call LifeWorks Resources (731-215-0502) within 60 days, to set up your return shipment. All order numbers should be marked clearly on the outside of the package. Boxes returned to LifeWorks Resources without a visible order number will not qualify for a refund and cannot be returned to the sender.

Shipping Policy

We process orders Monday through Friday and all orders are shipped within 3 days from our office. We make every attempt to ship sooner if possible.