Professional Counseling ♦ Biblical Perspective


Is anger hurting your closest relationships?

Do you have a short fuse? Do things that others seem to let go just hang around in your mind making you more irritated? Do you find that your relationships are struggling partly due to your anger? Maybe you have worked to get it under control only to find that after a few days your anger comes back. Maybe you grew up in a family that communicated, and problem solved using anger. Or maybe, you have had difficult experiences that created anger inside you, and you haven't been able to let go. Have you worried that your anger might get you in trouble at work?

Anger is both a primary emotion and a secondary emotion.

Primary emotions are your core emotions and are the ones we feel initially, and secondary emotions are emotions we experience as a reaction to the first emotion. You may have heard others call anger a secondary emotion but that is not always true. At LifeWorks Resources we understand the complexity of anger management. Sometimes your anger may be a response to a legitimate injustice or to a situation where your fight/flight/freeze response activates your fight instinct. This may be the case when you feel threatened mentally, emotionally, or physically. Other times your anger may be a secondary emotion when you feel rejected, abandoned, or judged. In these instances, your anger is secondary because it covers the primary emotion. Over time you may have become more prone to both primary and secondary anger reactions.

Do you get frustrated by the anger management advice you get from family and friends?

Sometimes our family and friends have good intentions but don't understand how difficult it has been for you to control your anger. Maybe you have tried many times but feel like a failure when old habits come back. Sometimes advice like "have some self-control" or "be nicer" or "just be kind" or "just pray about it", only makes your more frustrated, ashamed, or leaves you feeling defeated. At LifeWorks Resources we offer compassion to help you be open and honest about your struggles and we understand the complexity of anger as well as how difficult it can be to overcome. There is hope through anger management counseling!

Many people struggle with anger management.

Studies have shown that anger is a problem for many people in the U.S. You are not alone in your struggle with anger. Sometimes that anger is the result of other problems and conditions. Stress can lead to anger, too. Maybe you are walking through life with a high level of stress and your anger is a reaction to not being able to relax or be calm. For some, anger, is a biproduct of other mental health issues. For others grief can be a cause of their anger. It is understandable to be anger at a significant loss in our lives. Chronic pain can also be a trigger for anger and constant frustration. If you are living with chronic pain it can be difficult to manage the emotions that coincide.

Anger Management: Signs and Symptoms:

Here are some signs and symptoms of anger:

Many physical health symptoms can result from unresolved anger:
• Heart disease
• Diabetes
• Headaches
• Stomach aches
• Increased heart rate
• Dizziness
• High blood pressure
• Sleep problems





Signs of anger:
• Tense muscles
• Clinching fists
• Sweating, trembling, shaking
• Pacing
• Heavy breathing
• Mind racing
• Feeling hot

Anger Management

One way to manage anger is to recognize the signs that it is starting to build up. These can include physical symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat, clenched fists or jaws, tense muscles, and heated or flushed skin. There may also be mental or emotional signs, such as racing thoughts, irritability, or a short temper. Paying attention to these signs can help to identify when anger is starting to rise, and to take steps to calm down before it becomes a full-blown outburst.

Another way to manage anger is to practice relaxation techniques. These can include deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. Deep breathing involves taking slow, controlled breaths, focusing on the breath as it goes in and out. This can help to slow down the heart rate and calm the mind. Meditation involves focusing on a single point of reference, such as a word or phrase, to clear the mind of other thoughts. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing each muscle group in the body, starting with the feet and moving up to the head. This can help to release physical tension and calm the mind.

It can also be helpful to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment. This can help to put things into perspective and to recognize when anger is out of proportion to the situation at hand. It can also help to prevent reacting to anger-provoking situations in a knee-jerk way.

Anger Management: Anger Healthy Emotion vs Unhealthy Emotion

Anger is a natural and often healthy emotion. However, when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems at work, in personal relationships, and in the overall quality of life. Learning to manage anger is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being, as well as for preventing damage to both oneself and others.
Anger is a response to perceived threats or injustices. It is a natural human emotion that evolved as a way to protect ourselves from danger and stand up for ourselves. When we feel threatened, our bodies release adrenaline, which prepares us for the "fight or flight" response. This can help us defend ourselves or get out of danger.

However, not all perceived threats are real, and not all instances of anger are justified. In modern society, many things can trigger feelings of anger, from minor annoyances to serious injustices. It is important to recognize when anger is warranted and when it is not, and to learn how to manage it in a healthy way.

What to expect in anger management

We have two primary options for anger management:

  1. Individual Counseling
  2. Anger Management Class (8hr Online Course) - click link to learn more

In anger management individual counseling we want to hear your story. We will listen to how anger is impacting you and your relationships and talk about what you want to get out of counseling. There are many different approaches to counseling and we will work with you to find what works best. We want you to not only learn how to improve your symptoms but help you get to the root causes of your anger.

In follow up sessions we will work you to celebrate your success and find out what things may not be working so we can make changes together. We will help you learn how your beliefs and thoughts are affecting your life and help you find greater satisfaction. In anger management counseling you can go beyond symptoms to really finding your joy and hope.

Why choose LifeWorks Resources?

We have professional staff that are deeply interested in hearing your journey and helping you in a non-judgmental environment. We have seen many people make large improvements in their lives through our anger management counseling. We go beyond just working on improving symptoms to helping you understand the root causes and make healthy changes that work in your unique story.

Many people want their faith included as part of their counseling journey and we can help you explore how your faith and your practices impact your day to day life. We can help you explore your beliefs, thoughts, and practices and incorporate those in your anger management treatment.

You can learn more about each of our therapists here.
You can also see each therapists verified Psychology Today listing here.

You can learn more about our anger management class (online course) here.

We Want to Hear Your Story

At LifeWorks Resources LLC our professional, licensed staff can work with you to see what approach will be most helpful. The staff here truly care about your story and your struggles, as well as your victories! Give us a call today or follow the link to schedule your appointment online.